I usually only blog here once a month, but today I am launching a new blog on the greatest Lover who ever lived at http://www.howtohavearelationshipwithGod.com so I wanted to tell you. I'm hoping we will get the bugs worked out today, and the RSS button will work so you can sign up to get it delivered to your inbox. That is the name of the blog, God in-a-Box--your Inbox.
Strange name I know--we are usually trying to get God out of the box in people's minds. So that's why it seemed like a good hook. Someone would actually try to put God in a box and admit it?
I'm really excited and a little overwhelmed--a huge undertaking. I'm committed to deliver the life of Jesus in 150 word segments five days a week for one year. That will take you through his whole life.The site is a two-week trial with Traffic Geyser to get the word out about it.
This is the third day of posts but you can go back to the introduction and start. If you sign up it is supposed to start at the intro. Of course we've had technical difficulties. And not a little discouragement!
It isn't that I think I am such an authority on Jesus. I'm condensing a book I loved on his life, one that made me fall in love with him and see God in a whole new light. You may have heard of it, it is supposed to be the number one book on Jesus in the Library of Congress, The Desire of Ages. But it is 287 pages and archaic language.
So here goes...blessings on your reading.
Strange name I know--we are usually trying to get God out of the box in people's minds. So that's why it seemed like a good hook. Someone would actually try to put God in a box and admit it?
I'm really excited and a little overwhelmed--a huge undertaking. I'm committed to deliver the life of Jesus in 150 word segments five days a week for one year. That will take you through his whole life.The site is a two-week trial with Traffic Geyser to get the word out about it.
This is the third day of posts but you can go back to the introduction and start. If you sign up it is supposed to start at the intro. Of course we've had technical difficulties. And not a little discouragement!
It isn't that I think I am such an authority on Jesus. I'm condensing a book I loved on his life, one that made me fall in love with him and see God in a whole new light. You may have heard of it, it is supposed to be the number one book on Jesus in the Library of Congress, The Desire of Ages. But it is 287 pages and archaic language.
So here goes...blessings on your reading.
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